Privacy policy

  • 01
  • 02
    Contact Information
  • 03
    Rights of the Personal Data Owner
  • 04
    Legal Basis for Collecting and Processing Personal Data
  • 05
    The Data Categories That Will be Collected and The Purpose of Collecting it
  • 06
    Data Collection Methods
  • 07
    Exercising the Rights of the Personal Data Owner
  • 08
    Storage and Destruction of Personal Data
  • 09
    Complaints and Inquiries
  • 10
    Privacy Policy Updates

Privacy Policy

Clause 1: Introduction
Sharqia Development Authority is a governmental entity, with legal, financial and administrative independence, and is organizationally linked to the Prime Minister, in accordance with article 3 of the "mandate of regions and cities development authorities". Sharqia Development Authority places data privacy among its main priorities and is committed to the implementation of the Personal Data Protection Law issued by Royal Decree No. 19 of 09/02/1443 A.H. and amended by Royal Decree No. 148 of 05/09/1444 A.H.

It is important that the beneficiary is aware of what data Sharqia Development Authority collects, the purpose of collection and how it is processed and used in accordance with the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Personal Data Protection Law and the Implementing Regulation.

On this principle, the Privacy Policy has been created, and the Sharqia Development Authority encourages beneficiaries to continuously review the Privacy Policy for any updates.

Your visit to the Sharqia Development Authority website means that you read and consent to this Privacy Policy and any updates made to it. This excludes the processing of personal data in cases where the Personal Data Protection Law specifies that they are not subject to consent.
Clause 2: Contact Information
National address:
Building Number: 6418
Postcode: 34412
Additional number: 3618
Official Website:
Clause 3: Rights of the Personal Data Owner
1. The Data owner has the right to be informed about the legal basis and the purpose for which their personal data is collected, as well as how it is processed and handled.

2. The right to access their Personal Data held by SDA, in accordance with the rules and procedures set out in the Regulations.

3. The right to request obtaining their Personal Data held by SDA in a readable and clear format, in accordance with the controls and procedures specified by the Regulations.

4. The right to request correcting, completing, or updating their Personal Data held by SDA.

5. The right to request a destruction of their Personal data held by SDA, unless there is a legal text specifying a specific period of retention or contractual requirements.
Clause 4: Legal Basis for Collecting and Processing Personal Data
Personal data is collected and processed upon the consent of the personal data owner for the purposes of recruitment, communication and inquiries.
Clause 5: The Data Categories That Will be Collected and The Purpose of Collecting it
Sharqia Development Authority collects minimum personal data of beneficiaries for the purposes for which it is collected and in accordance with the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Personal Data Protection Law and the Implementing Regulation. Personal data include the following categories:

Data categories related to job application form:
1. Personal Information
• First Name - middle Name -last Name
• Email
• Mobile phone Number
• City –Region - Country
• Nationality
2. Work Experience
• employment status
• Years of experience
• previous Job Title and companies
• Brief Description of Job Responsibilities
• Current Salary
3. Education
• degree
• name of institution
• Major/Area of Study
4. Skills and qualifications
• Key skills and abilities
• Professional Certificates
• Language - Language Proficiency

Data categories related to contact us Form:
• Name
• Email
Clause 6: Data Collection Methods
Sharqia Development Authority is committed to collect and process your personal data in accordance with the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Personal Data Protection Law and the Implementing Regulation. The collection and processing of your personal data is necessary to provide the highest level of service.

The data that the personal data owner provides to the site is collected by the forms available on the Sharqia Development Authority website such as: Job application form, Contact us form.
Clause 7: Exercising the Rights of the Personal Data Owner
The personal data owner has the right to request a copy of his personal data, or correct it which he considers to be inaccurate, incorrect or incomplete, or to request to be destroyed by sending e-mail to:
Clause 8: Storage and Destruction of Personal Data
Personal data is stored inside the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia within servers protected by the best technologies in line with the policies and controls of the National Cyber Security Authority and international standards to ensure that unauthorized access is not permitted, and cyber risks is reduced. Data will then be destroyed in a secure manner through which they cannot be accessed or recovered again after completion of their need or when requested by the personal data owner.
Clause 9: Complaints and Inquiries
If there are some complaints or queries related to the privacy policy or the handling of personal data, contact SDA data privacy officer via email
Clause 10: Privacy Policy Updates
• The Privacy Policy was last updated on 1/10/2024
• Sharqia Development Authority reserves the right to add or change any of the Clauses of the Privacy Policy in accordance with the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Personal Data Protection Law and the Implementing Regulation
• The Arabic language is the official language in the application of the terms and conditions, and in the event of a dispute arising in the interpretation of any text mentioned in any other language, the text written in the Arabic language shall be considered.